Sheri and myself have been blessed with 3 beautiful children.

This lil sweetheart is our oldest daughter Amanda Faith.
She was born on June 21, 1991. Amanda is just finishing up Grade 2 ...she'll be starting grade 3 in September. She is a very bright and articulate little girl. Amanda is a very outgoing and active child ...she spends most of her time rollerblading or running around with the neighborhood kids. She has played Lacrosse for 2 years now and shows improvement every time she goes to play. She's also in her first year of Brownies and just loves the campouts and the weekly meetings. Amanda has a wide range of interests which include sports of all kinds, crafts, gardening puzzles and she's a huge music lover. Amanda loves all animals big and small. Amanda has a very warm heart and always a kind smile *S*
We love you Amanda *VBS*

This is our daughter Tiffani Amber.
She was born August 19,1996. Tiffani is also a very active child who just might be a little spoiled *L* She is very strong willed and has a very stubborn streak in her *L* kinda like her mom *L* Usually Tiffani is very content watching cartoons and playing with her brother. She just loves getting outside and running around with the other long as they don't leave her to far behind *L* She's a very determined little girl that doesn't let small setbacks or disappointments get her down *S*
We love you Tiffani*VBS*

This is the baby of the family Jesse Terrance James.
He was born on September 28 1997. This little man is quite a handful. He's constantly on the move and always into something he shouldn't be*L* He also loves being outside running around with the other kids. This child knows absolutely no fear of anyone or anything *L* He's a very affectionate little boy with a truly unselfish heart. He's constantly trying to help someone or offering something he has to others*S*
We love you Jesse *VBS*

In March/94 Sheri and I suffered the greatest loss of our lives. Our first born son Terrance Michael was taken to heaven to be with the rest of all the little angel's
Always in our Hearts...We Love you and miss you everyday Terrance Michael

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
I pray the lord my soul to take